

Promotions and tenure appointments for Harvey Mudd College faculty were approved by the board of trustees at its May meeting.


吉姆•Boerkoel 自2013年起担任教职员工, 专门研究人机交互, 人工智能, and interaction design—designing better human computer interactions. 他执导了《太阳2注册平台》 & 特工团队合作实验室(HEATLab), which seeks to develop techniques that augment humans’ own cognitive and physical abilities to create integrated human-agent teams that are more capable than their individual counterparts. With funding from the National Science Foundation in 2020, Boerkoel and Mehmet Ergezer of the Wentworth Institute of Technology developed the Undergraduate Consortium (UC), a one-day consortium with full travel scholarships for undergraduates attending the 2020 and 2021 Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Conferences on Artificial Intelligence. The UC is the first known venue that offers specific programming to equip undergraduates to navigate the academic conference experience as full members of the research community by cultivating a safe environment for practicing and refining skills and providing tools for a successful graduate research career. Boerkoel是希拉 & Walt Foley Professor and chair of the Department of 计算机科学.

物理学教授 沙龙Gerbode and her student researchers focus on two areas at the forefront of experimental soft matter physics: colloids—where microscopic solid particles suspended in a fluid self-assemble into thermodynamic phases; and adaptive biomaterials—where soft microstructured biological tissues actuate complex motions. Gerbode and her team of research students have made some remarkable discoveries. In 2018, 他们发现了“光学爆破”,” which allows people to internally sculpt colloidal crystals and could lead to new ways of modifying material properties. 最近,Gerbode与人合著了一篇论文,Grain splitting is a mechanism for grain coarsening in colloidal polycrystals,,并以“信”的形式出版 物理评论E. A research paper is selected as a “Letter” when its findings are deemed high-impact. Their discovery paves the way for better models of crystal growth. Gerbode, a 2016 Cottrell Scholar, joined the Harvey Mudd faculty in 2012.

薇薇安汉密尔顿 joined the Department of 人文、社会科学和艺术 in 2011 and, 作为科学史教授, teaches a wide range of courses in the history of science, 科技与医药, asking questions about the cultural authority of science, the multiple occurrences of seemingly revolutionary shifts in scientific theory and practice in history, 以及种族结构的影响, class and gender on the production of scientific knowledge. Her research focuses in particular on medical technologies, 包括x射线, 在19世纪末和20世纪初. With Brinda Sarathy and Janet Farell Brodie, she edited a collection of essays, 不可避免的是有毒的? Historical Perspectives on Contamination, Exposure, and Expertise, that examine a diverse set of spaces contaminated by radiation and industrial waste. The work was chosen by the Association of College and 研究 Libraries for its 2019 list of Outstanding Academic Titles.

Talithia威廉姆斯, 数学教授, makes mathematics and statistics accessible to millions through her work as a TV host, 演讲者和本书的作者 《数字中的力量:数学界的叛逆女性. She is a 数学教授 and the 数学 诊所 director. 作为一名研究者, Williams has worked with the World Health Organization to develop a cataract model that improves predictions for cataract surgical rates in African countries. 威廉姆斯因她的TED演讲而闻名全国, “拥有你身体的数据,” in which she equips a mass audience to use statistics—by measuring and recording simple data daily—to take ownership over their health. She runs an annual conference (Sacred SISTAHS) that teaches hundreds of young girls from minority communities about the benefits of studying STEM and how to successfully navigate that path. 在她获得的众多奖项中, including a teaching award from the Mathematical Association of America, Williams recently received the 2024 Rice University Laureates 奖, the highest award given by the Association of Rice 校友. The award recognizes an alum who has demonstrated a deep dedication to Rice University (where Williams received her master’s and PhD in statistics). 她于2008年加入太阳2平台.

Appointed for Second, Two-year Term as Assistant Professor

Heather Zinn Brooks, Barbara Stokes Dewey Assistant Professor of 数学. 应用数学, 数学建模, 复杂的系统, 非线性动力学, 网络理论, 社会制度, 数学生物学.

Anup Gampa,心理学助理教授. Social psychology of social movements, racism, capitalism and wealth inequality.

Jamie Haddock, Assistant Professor of 数学. Mathematical data science, optimization, applied convex geometry.

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